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Everything posted by «~Þ@£µÇh^»

  1. Does anybody know if there is any chance for the search Artist | Album | Song function to be supported ?
  2. You can use voidMP3FM, it's as easy as drag & drop. See this section of the forum http://www.atraclife.com/forums/index.php?showforum=25
  3. I finally got the player what you´ve done is great, quick install, small program, simple interface, really cool. Thanks a Lot !! Only two short questions * any idea about the reason why I can´t use the player's search feature? * is it possible to create a "\artist\album\tracks" structure ?
  4. Hi I'm getting a sony nw-e005 and I'm looking for a replacement for the supplied headphones, has anybody know abouts these koss earbuds: http://www.koss.com/koss/kossweb.nsf/p?openform&pc^eb are they any better than the ones in the package ? Thanks
  5. Hey thanks once again void!!! have anyone already tryed this new version?
  6. Hi to all, I'm getting one of this beauties (Walkman® MP3 PlayerNW-E005), and I've been reading everywhere that sonicstage sucks so here I am. Void thanks very much for this tool, I can't wait to try it. I´ve found there are some other people doing something like this, have any one checked this out? http://nwe00xmp3man.sourceforge.net/ it is an open source mp3 file manager, I think I´ll try both once I have the player in my hands
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