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    Sony MZ-RH910

Happy1@HappinessHabit.com's Achievements


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  1. Thanks, I plugged it into Sonic stage... it would not initialize and the stop button would not work. It is not being recognized by Windows. I keep getting the "Busy, Wait A Minute" message. Please help! Can I take it apart! What else can I try?
  2. Thanks Rich! I tried this but it didn't help. I suspect that the unit thinks it's still processing as witnessed by the "Busy Wait A Minute" message. I may need to find a way to get it to terminate whatever process it is stuck in. Is there a link to a service manual pdf where I can find instructions on how to take it apart? Too bad I can't just stick a paper clip into a hole someplace to get it to release like a lap top CD. Any other suggestions would be most welcome! Best wishes, Michele Moore www.HappinessHabit.com
  3. Greetings! My Sony Hi-MD MZ-RH910 is jammed and will not open. I can hear it searching, the screen says "Busy, Wait a Moment" . I have removed the fully charged battery to stop it. I tried fully charging the battery. I also tried to open it when it was plugged into both USB and AC power. The lid appears to be stuck shut and I don't want to force it. When this happened once before I was able to open the lid once it was plugged into USB power. I am seaching for a screw driver small enough to take it apart and hope someone has some guidance or perhaps a better suggestion. Is there a hole where you can insert a paper clip like on lap tops to release the lid? Thanks so much for your help!!! Very best wishes, Michele Moore Happ1@HappinessHabit.com
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