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Everything posted by css

  1. I've allready tryed that many times with no success. Thank you for your reply I'm not sure if the machine is OK or not.I loaded a blank MD and it tooka long time about 10 min.How long should I wait to load a blank minidisc,before i can record something on it. I am so new at this. I think I need a CD minidisc to exit the test mode.I'm thinking on purchasing one since I have no other way to try.
  2. Hi, I just got this old Minidisc recorder MZ-b50 and didnt know how to use it.I put a blank minidisc inside and was reading forever like 10min and the disc was just spinning. Then I decided to enter the test mode and after that I could never get out of there.Is anybody can helpme how to get out of service(test ) mode. I guess you require a test disc.Anyway I have only blank discs. Please any help is appreciated. Thank you
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