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  1. thanks to everyone for their input - extremely helpful. Certainly clears things up for me. So it seems the only thing we have to fear is Sony pulling the plug on making md units - which would be pretty poor form wouldn't it? Ah, it'll never happen. Anyway I was pleased to hear from Guitarfxr that the mzrh1 works well on the mac platform - that mo seems fine to me too. Cheers.
  2. Hi all this is my first attempt at initiating a post on this particular forum (so thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide). My topic relates to the latest and by all accounts greatest minidisc ever - the MZRH1. Firslty let me point out that I have an IMAC computer - the one with the dual core processor - so I can run osx or xp. So my first question is - do experienced mzrh1 users prefer to use their device with the apple os or with Sony SS via Windows? On a similar theme - does the mzrh1 work equally well on both platforms and does it (for data storage purposes) appear as an external drive on both Mac and Windows? Last little question. I have heard some people doubt the capability of minidiscs when it comes to data storage. Yet I thought they were hardy little beasts and that data recorded on them was likely to be there just about forever all things being equal. So I'm wondering if mzrh1 users out there have strong opinions either way on whether or not it's a good idea to use the minidisc as an archive tool. And while we are on the subject - I know I can put audio and data on the minidisc - but what about photographs and video? Would the quality be maintained when loaded to the minidisc? Sorry if these questions are annoying to those who are experienced in the md format and have probably heard them all before.
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