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About mallow

  • Birthday 06/07/1960

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  • PlayStation Network ID
    MZ-N505, MZ-R90

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  • Website URL
    10 Watt Practice amp
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mallow's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. What's pissing me off right now, is clients who want a website developed, and send you 400 images, all of a different size, ratio, orientation and format, and DEMAND that they are all the same on the web site....and they are all in a paper brochure andneed scanning..........AND the 30 odd in Black and White he wants in colour.
  2. Thanks for that guys.....I
  3. Hi y'all, I've just bought an MZ- RZ90, basically because of the looks. , and can't play those MD's I'd previously recorded using a Aiwa AM-NX9 Net MD....is there anything I can do to convert the files, to play them on the R90? Mallow/Marge/Marsh
  4. LOL...last time I looked I was a He....mallows a nickname...my pals call me Martin.
  5. Hi Y'all Newbie from UK here...love this place...hope to leave lots of posts....Probably all be questions though..
  6. Hi..UK Noobie here...thanks for the link to the article....absolutley amazing ...Razray...I think the 'that's why we have minidiscs' tag refers to the fact that if any of us were there we would have had the potential to record it. Regards Mallow
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