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Everything posted by MiniDiscKid

  1. Well, I disappeared before the Hi-MD format came about. The old forums were just your typical run of the mill white background with blue thread names and replies to them. If you answered a thread with a title then you'd finish with a N/M...no message. Back in those days, the most popular discussions were about the advantage of being able to record live onto MiniDisc and most importantly being able to edit it afterwards. People were coming on the boards with nothing but problems with their new MZ-R55 that would turn on spontaneously and erase the disc unless the disc was in write protect mode. All I know is my MZ-R50 got me through college. I used to record reviews for tests and while the question was being played, the answer would scroll on the screen as the track name. That used to make studying a breeze. Also, I experimented with editing songs and was able to end up with a continuous loop by dividing the track into 3 sections. Start, Loop, and End. I then came on the boards just to learn that someone has already thought of it. Anyway, another popular discussion was the quality of ATRAC encoding vs. mp3 and the inevitable possibility that mp3 players will one day rule this earth. I swore to myself back then that I would not buy an mp3 player until at least a 10 gig flash based player becomes available. Well, the nano came close last year with 8 gigs, but I think my cell phone with a 2 gig microSD card will do for now. Since the phone has the player built in and I always have it on me, I figured why not get a card for it. I don't listen to a portable player much anymore since I'm driving most of the time. But the MDX-65 6 disc changer I bought for one of my cars in '03 comes in rather handy. The Aiwa XR-H66MD with the 5 MD carousel broke sometime in '02 and I've been using it as an amp mainly ever since. Well, maybe I'll get an older model Sony deck on eBay to use at home sometime. Thanks for all the replies and the welcome back. MD Kid
  2. Wow, I wonder if anyone remembers me. Even my original forum name from the old forums was still available. I had problems registering it though. I feel like Guy Pearce in "The Time Machine". The topics are all the same, except they are discussed by total strangers. I guess the only member I do remember from 1998 is Mike Walker, who was involved in some kind of radio production and was a frequent poster here. [/nostalgia] MD Kid
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