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Everything posted by evanokis

  1. I recently just found out that mp3s in sony Rh10 do actually sound bad or not the way they're supposed to. (i'm pretty sure most of you know about this). I'm just wandering how you guys beat this problem? I decided to 'convert' my mp3s to atrac3+ 352k. but after several times of doing this, I then realized that 'converting' does not really mean 'converting' but more like '(re)compressing' the mp3 again. This just means more quality loss (technically speaking). If i use my ears, and my ears only, I don't mind hearing the two-time compressed music, it's just that my anal brain keep telling me i'm an idiot. So, again, is there any ways to beat this problem? (or probably 'convert' really means 'convert'?) thank you for your help
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