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    Sony MZ-N10

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  1. Well.. I bought this little unit and I'm thinking about selling it. It works great and is in excellent condition. I'm selling it because I bought an RH1 which can upload a lot easier and will work with Macs. It has everything as seen in the pictures. I'll take offers. Rich
  2. Hi everyone. I've just received my rh1 and I'm getting excited about recording! I also sort of mistakenly bought an N10 before realizing no upload but it is a nice recorder and player. I really like the build quality better than the rh1. My questions is where is a good place to purchase minidisc.. both Hi-md and md. Am I correct that the Hi-md won't work in the N10? Are minidiscs sold in brick and mortar retail outlets like circuit city or radio shack anymore? Rich
  3. Thanks for the replies everyone. I just purchased an rh1 online. I think I'll also keep the N10 for now to use as an everyday player (since I don't have an Ipod). Does anyone have a good link for an FM transmitter so I can listen in the car? Thanks again.. great forum. Rich
  4. Well I'm glad I found such a useful community forum. I only wish I found it sooner! I recently purchased an MZ-N10 which is a pretty slick unit but in my late research I discovered it's great for recording but not for uploading (non-existent). I would like to make good quality recordings of interviews, ambient sounds, anything I find interesting... but mostly interviews to form a sort of oral history of my family members. The recorder works well. I just need to get s decent microphone. The power doesn't seem to last very long but I'm still pretty new to using it. I really want something I can upload with so I'm probably going to bite the bullet and purchase the RH1. Is it worth it to keep the N10 at this point? I guess it's a good player too since I don't own an Ipod. So should I keep it and get the RH1 or sell it and still get the RH1? What is a good selling price. I know I'll take it at a loss Thanks slomd Oh and I did some research and found a program called win md.. Looks like this might be a way to fix the upload issue but at a cost of sound quality. Does anyone have experience with this program?
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