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  1. The concert yesterday at night, but thanks the same, now I know, for other performances . I did almost everything you said, but my minidisc turned off by itself! I think the problem was that I had Sync Rec turned on, and it turned off because of low volume.... It's possible? (the composer of the symphony talked a lot before the orchestra play, and so it had low volume captation...)
  2. Hi! I'll do my first recording today, at night. I'm going to record a Symphonic Orchestra (I play there), in a small chamber (100-150 people). It's modern music (Vitorino de Almeida, a Portuguese composer). My Net-MD is a Sony MZ-N1, and my mic is a Sony ECM-MS907. Can you help me setting the best configurations in the MD? Should I use AGC? Recording mode 120º or 90º? And I have some doubts about where should I put the microfone: In the center of the room? Closer to the orchestra? Thanks a lot!
  3. I resolved the problem... Bad contact... I put some aluminium between the battery and the top of the battery case and everything ok
  4. Hi! I bought a MZ-N1 a few days ago. It's an used one. Well, after I received it, I put it charging and it said "LOW BATT". It's ok, I left it charging a whole night (the lamp was blinking, it was ok?). But when I took the minidisk from the USB Cradle it didn't turn on! It turns on only when it's in the USB Cradle... What should I do? Thanks!
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