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  1. If you bothered to learn about how noise-cancelling worked, you would know that the headphones need a mic to receive transverse waves and another one to output waves that cause destructive interference. In other words, the noise cancelling circuitry has to be inside the headphones. So I'm guessing the player activates the mic? It doesn't matter tho, b/c I've decided not to get it.
  2. If anyone has gotten his/her hands on a Sony NW-S706 Walkman, can you tell me if the scrolling is still horribly slow for long lists (like the NW-E507)? Also, when you go into the menu, is it still the following: All Tracks Artist Album Group Thanks.
  3. is the scrolling horribly slow for long lists like the previous NW-E507?
  4. guess im not gonna get the nw-s706 then...lol
  5. Just wondering if the noise cancelling headphones that come with the NWS706 player can only use the noise cancelling technology with the NWS706? thanks.
  6. Anyone know if Sony plans to sell music in ATRAC advanced lossless in the future?
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