I'm having to move my collection of ATRAC files from one hard drive to another on my XP Pro PC. (This is not about moving files from one computer to another.)
I find the files will play back with Sonic Stage 4.3, even though some of them have .OMG extensions and some have .omg extensions. At some time in the past I ran the file conversion tool, and later added other files. (I expected trouble with the .omg files and that I would be stopped from playing these files, but that is not the case.)
"Options" shows the new file location, and lists my files. But when I select each one I get an error message "The music file for the track was not found. Specify the music file to restore track playback." There is an option to either remove the file from the library, or "specify the location of the music file."
Selecting the "Browse" control displays a file folder. There is another control marked "Auto search" that finds the file quickly, even though it is not in the file folder that's displayed. Once selected, the file begins playback.
I have a lot of these files I recorded. (None are purchased files. None had copy protection.)
Is there a way to resolve this with some feature of Sonic Stage, or one of its related programs, so I don't have to go through this for each one of the files?