Hi all,
I recently upgraded my sonicstage v. 3.4 (which I've been using since years to transfer music from PC to my old mp3 player NW-0005) to the 4.3 v....
what a surprise to dsicover that the transfer to the MP3 player isn't possible anymore!! (only otions available are related to a CD: create an Audio CD, create an ATRAC CD, create an MP3 CD) impossible for me understand that........; anyways, now I'm stucked because I can neither find the install CD, nor find the 3.4 exec (or I really didn't search well on this forum). nothing here (at least I couldn't find the link to download the full installer file)
sorry if I couldn't manage to search good enough, I thought this would be easy to find, but I couldn’t.. neither on the sony site , nor on your forum..
I'd love to read your answers because I can't modifiy any music on my mp3 player without the adequate sofwware at the moment ... :-((
many thanks in advance!!