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Audacity, Wave files and CD-Audio/MP3

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MZ-NH1 had the problem, that the .wav-files produced by Audacity aren't accepted by Nero Buning Rom.

Since others might run into the same problem, a solution is here:

""There is a simple solution to your problem,

you have to export the Wave-file as 16-bit .wav

Audacity saves audio data as 32 bit floating point format to prevent noise and artefacts from creeping in,

when a file goes through multiple filters and effects.

Ok, what to do?

Start Audacity. Select: File --> Preferences...

A window opens. Click on the File Format tab.

In the "Uncompressed Export Format" part,

select "WAV (Microsoft 16 bit PCM).

Click on "OK".

Now load the recorded Wave file.

Click on "File" --> "Export as Wav..."

Enter the Filename and click on "Save".

And THAT file is now in the standard format, that is accepted by Nero.

You will also notice, that the new file is half the size compared to the original one.

That Audacity refuses to overwrite an existing file is correct, you have to give the exported file a new name.

This prevents you from accidentially overwriting hours of work.

Remember, regular save means 32 bit - unusable for CD-Audio, but highest quality for future editing.

Export as WAV means 16 bit - The right one for CD-Audio.

Now MP3:

The MP3 encoder is found here: http://mitiok.free.fr/

Download the stable version, 3.96.1 currently.

Unpack the downloaded Zip-file into a directory,

e.g. C:Lame

Now start Audacity, "File" --> "Preferences..." again,

click on the "File Format" tab,

in the "MP3 Export Setup" part, click on "Find Library".

In the following File dialog, select the directory,

where you have unpacked the Lame zip file into

and select a file named "lame_enc.dll".

Confirm with a click on "Open".

After that, select the "Bit Rate" in the Preferences, 256 or 320 is for a good quality, finally click on "Ok" to finish.

With "File" --> "Export as MP3...", you can save your recordings as MP3. ""

Hope this helps.

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