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What Are Those Magnet Thingy's?

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OK, at the risk of losing complete credibility with my very first post on this forum, I will ask a question under the 'no question is too stupid to ask' category.

So, when I opened my new MZ-NHF800 a month ago, there were all the goodies, but then there were these little magnet thingy's that the instructions said were necessary to wrap and lock around one of the cable, like an inch or two from the end.

So, what's up with those? Are they important?

Please, no flames for my ingnorance.


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They are called Ferrite Chokes. They protect cables such as USB from Electromagnetic Interference or EMI. Make sure you clamp them to your PC connector if they are not already - but they are probably spares.

I tried one on my microphone cable in a mad moment of experimentation.

Here's a really boring article on them: :cool:



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If you are using a line cable to record, you need to clamp them around the cable in the way it says to comply with our EU standards. The supplied USB cable (uk) has already been clamped, as has the remote cable, and also the AC power adapter that has about 3 on it!


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Europe has some pretty strange electronics rules. blink.gif

I didn't have a single ferrite core in with anything. When I bought my N10 in the box, it had no spare cores. The only one in the box was permanently attached to the USB cable.

However, the NF520D I bought for my best friend Nika... it had like 3 extra ferrite cores. One was even on the remote cord. :sleep:


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yep, if that's what I remember from the multiple sheets of paper that came in the box. the many cores are there for our euro guidelines. may seem odd to you, but i suppose it's fair enough, if it cuts interference. Also the guys in brussels have now outlawed all our nasty killing chemicals....bah they have no sense of fun :laugh:

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