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Tascam advertises new MD equipment

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dex Otaku

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Indeed. I would actually use a CD/HiMD for making compilation discs and such. That way there'd be no SonicStage, and *hardware encoding* for atrac3plus modes. Of course, they'd also have to make it possible to use any of the atrac3 and atrac3plus bitrates, including original SP. Oh, and an ethernet port and bluetooth to get cddb access.

Yeah, I know... Dream on.


Strange how I see something else emerge when I reread what I've written.

In the context of an appliance like I've described here.. where only the Hi/MD side is a writer.. the DRM system makes sense and would work really well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If not, after a brief flourishing of Hi-MD, I can see that being the end of the format. Well maybe....

I worry about this too... the whole "a little too late" reality of the hi-MD may certainly be something comparable to the neon, see-thru floppy diskettes... like, "oh they look cool... but um, we're not using them anymore so it's a bit late." I wonder if you meant "end of the format" for hi-MD specifically, or the whole MD family. Well - blah - I care not, because I'm in another subculture (vinyl enthusiasts) and I'm used to being in the minority when it comes to formats... I guess I kinda like it that way (as long as I can still buy gear that will play them that is!!!) Since MD is/was so big in Japan, perhaps MD decks/players may still exist 30 years from now?? On ebay or something?

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