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Moving SonicStage Library to a different computer

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Just got a new computer running Windows XP Home edition and am trying to move my SonicStage library from my old Windows 98SE computer to the new one.

I moved the Packages folder from the old computer to the new one and all my albums and track listings show up in SonicStage on the new computer OK but when I try to play any of them I get a message that the music track for the file was not found and the track will not play. I do get the opportunity to specify where the file is.

I believe this is beacuse the music files are stored in a different folder on the WIndows 98 box than on the XP box and there is a pointer somewhere in the SOnicStage database that holds the name of the music file.

I have not been able to find a global setting to change the name of the folder where the music files are which means I would have to go through and individually change the file name of every track in my library (hundreds of them!).

I really hope someone can come up with an idea of how to fix this!



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That doesn't work...

Do a different avenue: SonicStage has a Backup-Software included.

Use that SonicStage-Backup to make a backup from your Library on your old PC.

Then use the SonicStage-Backup on your new PC to restore from THAT backup, you just made.

Oh, and don't forget to give it time, it needed well over three hours to back up my 28GByte library onto a USB-Harddisk.

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I've been trying to move my openmg library the same way. I did the backup on the old computer, saving the file on another computer's shared drive. Then I restored onto the new computer. But when I try to play the files, I get the 'invalid rights management information' error. Is there another trick to get the backup/restore to work?

Another question: Can I exchange the *.omg files with a Palm using RealPlayer?

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