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Aa-batt Case For Nh900?

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well, i just bought a nh900 from someone in the classified section, and got stiffed on the AA-battery case (i believe unintentionally though,theyre looking for it) the add did list a battery case but aparently that just meant the clear plastic one for the gumstick sad.gif

anyhow,if they cant find it i want to buy one as i have a ton of rechargable nimh's i use for my dig.cam. assuming i can and assuming it wont be ridiculously priced, (i think much over 20 would be ridiculous)

is there anyplace this is available? ive searched a bit to no avail sad.gif

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ohmy.gifCaution...have since found two similar items at Sony's online site:




The dry battery box from my MZ-NH900 has the same item number stamped inside except for the last two digits of these two...(either 11 or 21)...so a call to Sony would clarify which one you need before buying on eBay.

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