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Live Recording

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I am new to the MZ NH1 - have had an R50 for many years and want to do live recording int he pcm (uncompressed) mode.

Everything seems to be fine - stereo out from mixer plays stereo on the headphones, but only the left channel gets a signal and records (live piano through mike into mixer stereo out into MZNH1)

any thoughts? whatam I doing wrong??


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Doublecheck that you're using a stereo plug connecting the mixer to the MD, with two circles (like the plug shown in my avatar), and not a mono plug, with one.

Thanks - all the plugs are stereo - (two rings) - it was already nearly 3AM so now fresh from 4 hours of sleep and the kids off to school and the dogs walked I can now try this again - I'll see if it sends stereo signal into my old R-50.

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OK - I just got a new cord and it was the connections not the settings - all is well and I LOVE pcm recording - the piano sounds incredible.

Now I only need to use my MDM X4 for it's inputs/outputs and mixing -

I will try one of those xlr to minijak cables you have suggested for portable recordings.


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