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Lip4-wm Battery Uk

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Has anyone found a uk stockist for the NH1 lithium-ion battery (the LIP4-WM) - I would like to pick up a spare but have had no luck with Google etc searches ( and Sonycentres are no help either!) Would like to find an actual shop with some in stock rather than web based if poss. Thanks all.

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I've just received a Sony LIP-4WM, mail-ordered from a recommended UK

Sony Spares stockist called SEME (tel 0870 2406354). It was £35 and took

just a couple of days to arrive.   Hope that helps.                           Regards.

Thanks Tony! Much appreciate your reply. I've always thought that Sony branded stuff was sometimes a wee bit overpriced - £35 isnt too too bad - but wouldnt it be nice to track down a (good) "clone" battery for less than this??!!

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Can I suggest you have a look at the Maplin Electronics catalogue? (www.maplin.co.uk)

Maplin now stock 1350mAh 'gumstick' batteries made by Uniross. They also sell a charger.

Catalogue numbers and prices:

NiMh battery: N07BU £9.99 biggrin.gif

Charger: N10BU £14.99

Also stocked are a 780mAh Li-ion battery (N08BU, £12.99). Any use for the NH1?

Presumably you could get these items from other Uniross stockists worldwide.

Edited by AllanH
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That Li-ion will not fit in the NH1, the + terminal is on the wrong end. The Sony's have both terminals down one end.

Would like to see if its possible to fit it though, a bit of electrically conductive paint might make it connect as long as the battery actually fits in the player, also its alot more capacity than the standard Lip4-wm

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It's available at Minidisco + Audiocubes.

I bought one from AudioCubes which came in a very useful battery sizes plastic carry case.

If you are looking for 'local' replacements/clones I suggest a look at ...




who both have a 'clones' at 9.99

Search for part numbers LIP-4WM or NH-14WM

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I bought one from AudioCubes which came in a very useful battery sizes plastic carry case.

If you are looking for 'local' replacements/clones I suggest a look at  ...




who both have a 'clones' at 9.99

Search for part numbers LIP-4WM or NH-14WM

Appreciate the reply - but the sites you mention dont seem to stock the Lip-4wm ( the Lithium battery for the NH1) They do carry the NickelMetal Hydride (NW14m ) which fits my N1 ( but already got 3 of those gumsticks!! ) Since posting my original request I've been reading that Lithiums start to deteriorate straight from manufacture - whether being used or not. So keeping a "spare" isnt thought to be a good idea!! And I'm now thinking seriously about the R10 !!!! The spec says NiMh battery - anyone know if sony are going back to the NW14 gumstick on this new model??

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