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Question about Sony NW-E405B

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I'm checking out buying the Sony NW-E405B for a friend of mine who would love something as sexy as that but I have a few questions.

-First off has anyone put together a review of this or FAQ (as this may answer all of my questions)?

-Is SonicStage required for transferring music onto this device or is it true drag and drop?

-Is the MP3 playback crippled or decent?

-How is the battery life on something like this?

-Is there something better on the horizon (that looks sexy, in a similar price range, has better features, etc) before early November?

Thanx all

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There is the new NWA605/7/8 series coming out depending on your location.


Looks pretty much the same but has more advanced shuffle options and uses Connect player instead of SonicStage and more capacity 2GB in the NWA608.

The current colour list doesn't include black (only Violet, Silver, Blue and Pink; Limited Edition Colors - Emerald Blue and Gold).

I suppose this is why you mentioned early November ?


For the NWE4/5 you can use MP3 File Manager Version 2.0 instead of SS which provides the functionality of simple MP3 files transfer via drag and drop to the Network Walkman. I use SStage and have not tried MP3 File Manager yet.

The MP3 playback seems ok (ie doesn't appear to be degraded )so far but would obviously depend on the sound quality of the MP3.

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There is the new NWA605/7/8 series coming out depending on your location.


Looks pretty much the same but has more advanced shuffle options and uses Connect player instead of SonicStage and more capacity 2GB in the NWA608.

The current colour list doesn't include black (only Violet, Silver, Blue and Pink; Limited Edition Colors - Emerald Blue and Gold).

I suppose this is why you mentioned early November ?


Perhaps more importantly, it will also use the new ATRAC Codecs.

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WMA support (some soft/firmware release later).

Matching coloured headphones

Carrying pouch as well as that weird clip thing.

Still no lanyard.

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