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Microphone Question

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They look pretty standard to me ... They're probably something like the old stereo clip-on mics that RadioShack used to put out, and I've had some truly wonderful results with those. However, you're most definately going to need a battery module to go with the mics. Especially if you're interested in recording loud rock concerts and such. May I point you in the direction of these:

1. http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/.../item/SP-SPSB-6

2. http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/.../item/SP-SPSB-2

3. http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/.../item/SP-SPSB-1

I have #1 with bass roll-off and it works wonderfully. #3 is pretty standard as far as battery modules go, but I prefer #1 because it's much more compact. I would certainly like to hear user opinions on #2, though. I wonder how a 12-volt mini car remote battery would work ...

Hope that helps


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Thanks for the comments, I already have a 9v battery box with bass roll off fixed at 60Hz, I have used this one time only with good results going Line in with a Sony ECM-717 mic. I was hoping that the new mics would give an even better result as the frequency range is 20Hz to 20,000Hz whereas my Sony mic is stated as being 100Hz - 15,000Hz or am I missing something else ?

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Oh, I forgot to add that you'll probably want to record through the line-in and with the "manual recording level" set at around 20-28. You can always boost the quiet stuff later on, once the recording is in the computer. Oh, and if you're using a Sony MD, just set the manual volume around 3/4 of the way and do some test recordings to find the optimum place. The last I checked, my old Sony N-707 didn't have "number" recording levels, it just had a bar as do standard volume control menus on tvs.

However, since you already own a battery module, these are probably second-hand tips. ;-)

Let us know how they work!

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