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Record From Multiple Sourses, Or Does It?

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Does this:

Record from multiple source: USB-in / Mic-in / Analogue-in / Digital-in

mean at the same time, and if so will it merge them or can it be used like a 4track (which would be ace) or, is it more like I suspect, just pointless marketing babble, 'cos let's face it, every net md (never mind himd) does this if it's just one sourse at a time.

I need to know 'cos if it can be used as a 4track I'm gonna have to replace my NH1 after only owning it for 6 months! The idea is so appealing, sony should be thinking more for the musicians that buy and use mds when coming up with new iseas. Like a camera for f*cks sake, who needs that! If it can burn at 1400kb/ps for the wav recordings it can burn 5 hi sp 256kb/ps recordings at the same time! Surely. Link it to sound forge as well as sonic stage to upload it as a session and hey presto, you've got one hell of a product.

Or am I just blue-sky dreaming! rolleyes.gif

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