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Considering NW-HD5

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Until Tuesday, when it was stolen, I had a 30gb Creative mp3 player. I'm now looking at replacements, and the Sony NW-HD5 has a lot of attractive aspects. It's much smaller than my old player, equally good or better battery life(the reason I don't want an ipod) and it's cheap. However, all my music is mp3, and there's no way I'm converting it all to another format, and I don't like the sound of what I'm hearing about how the Sony handles mp3 tagging. My old Creative would occasionally put albums in alphabetical order rather than the correct running order, which is really annoying, and if this is what the Sony will do with my mp3 albums it's off my list, as being able to play an album in the correct order is a must for me. Can anyone shed any light on this?

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The player will use tag data to order the tracks by track# in my experience. If the mp3 ID tags are correct, SonicStage should preserve them. You can test this out by downloading the Connect player and try importing your mp3 collection into it. If the track#'s are preserved, then you shouldn't have any problems once you buy the HD5.

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