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Home Decks And Car Players?

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I use MD, and have done for a long time, because I like to be able to use something that I can listen to at home, in the car, and then just take out of the car and carry on listening to as I walk off. I'm a bit concerned at the total lack of Hi-MD car and home decks - does anyone know if we can expect to see them anytime?

As far as I'm concerned anything that you can't play in the car or at home is a kiddies toy for them to listen to when they walk to school and use to show off to their friends. Half the selling point for MD in the first place was how good it was for in-car use, being far more robust that CDs.

This bluetooth iPod to car stereo crap is stupid - I don't want two things to fiddle with as I drive along, and I don't want the player going flat unless I have a wire running from the dash, over my gear lever and to the player either. Why not just build a little cradle that holds the damned thing under the brake pedal.

For christs sake Sony, adults with bags of money spend a lot of time in their cars, stop targetting the 14 year old who steals money from his grannies handbag to buy his electronics and start selling to the people with real buying power.

This ties in with the downwards spiral in all of Sony's products really, both in terms of innovation and quality. I read an article recently about how Samsung is the new Sony, and it seems to me that only so much of that is because of Samsung building themselves up - the rest is due to Sony's seeming fascination with getting itself right around the U-bend to a point that it can never return from. It takes REAL effort to destroy such a powerful brand as "Walkman", but they did it!

Sorry to rant so much, but it really pains me to see a once great company like Sony make strategic decisions as if a sea lion was in charge. Also, I'd like to be able to listen to my music in my car. Please. I'll pay you.


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I doubt Sony will be taken over (market share wise) by Samsung, while Korea shows a lot of promise as the american ecomony shows more of a "disposable" trend.

However, Sony makes TVs, walkmans, computers, stereos and components, digital cameras, camcorders, videogame consoles, as well as they own a recording company and a online bank.

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