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Imminent: Live Recordings Made By You..

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Just wanted to say that very soon we will start hosting live recordings made by you guys/girls here at the forums. It will all be accessible via the Gallery, a members-only benefit that you get out of the free registration of the forum [registration only takes under a minute with no catch]. Not only do you get to hear other people's recordings, but you can share your own! There will obviously be a few limitations in place, but it will be a nice way for everyone to share their efforts and help people understand the true power of the format. I look forward to this new endeavor and I will make a more formal announcement when everything is in place [within the next few days].

Obviously, a few rules will be in place: No full concerts, preferable high-bitrate *.mp3 [nothing extreme - anything more than 320kbps is really silly], or *.wav if sonically necessary, and more. All the details will be covered in the final announcement after they are agreed upon by the staff.

You can check out a few recordings now made by Dex and I! smile.gif

p.s. Single file upload cap is at 50 megabytes now, but obviously, that's insane for one recording. tongue.gif

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