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Sf Bay Area, Swap/trade/post

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I'm interested in doing some swaps, trades or post(als). I have mostly independent music on my minidiscs, those music that aren't quite mainstreamed and/or quite rare to come by. Currently, dark ambient and soundscapes dominate my collection .. looking to trade these away for other artists of the same genre. Here are some off the top of my head:

Lustmord, Wolfskin, Nordvargr, Vromb, Toroidh, Troum, RAAN, Terra Sancta, Troum, and Iszoloscope.

From the ruleset in this forum, I suppose we'll need to do these in SP mode. I'm also on the lookout for new MD styles rather than plain vanilla sony MDs that are prevalent in music retail stores.

Postal is okay but doing it internationally might be stretchin' it; coast to coast seems alright for me.

Let me know. sleep.gif

Edited by Levanel
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Wow, 1000+ views and no replies.

Anyway, check here to see the full list of titles in my possession:



Dark Ambient Soundscapes/Experimental

> Iszoloscope: Aquifere

> Iszoloscope: Les Gorges des Limbes

> M^2 (Squaremeter): Aswad

> R|A|A|N: The Nacrasti

> Terra Sancta: Aeon

> Lustmord: Zoetrope

> Wolfskin: Campos de Matanca (90/599, rare!)

> Nordvargr: Awaken

> Henrik Nordvargr Bjorkk: Vitagen

> Toroidh: Europe is Dead

> Troum: Tjukurrpa (Part III: Rhythmns and Pulsations)

> Kammarheit: The Starwheel

> Visions: Lapse

Industrial Electronica/Experimental

> Exclipsect + Kaebin Yield: Symbiosis Split-CD

> KK Null + Moz: Split-CD

> Vromb: Le Facteur Humain

> Iszoloscope: Au Seuil du Neant

> Iszoloscope: Le Denominateur Commun

> Iszoloscope: Coagulating Wreckage

> Muted Logic: False Lines

> ScrapeDX: The Latitude Project

> ScrapeDX: Recoil the Void

> Amish Rake Fight: Fellow Prisoners

> Antigen Shift: Next to Depart

> HIV.11LTD Fuck.

Independent/Gothic Rock

> Collide: Some Kind of Strange

> Collide: Chasing the Ghost

> La Floa Maldita: Salut Jacques

> Hollar: A Little Peace of Quiet


Minidisc recordings in MDLP format

LP2 > Iszoloscope: Le Denominateur Commun (selected tracks)

Iszoloscope: Coagulating Wreckage (selected tracks)

Iszoloscope: Les Gorges des Limbes (selected tracks)

Iszoloscope: Au Seauil Du Nant (selected tracks)

LP2 > Lustmord: Where the Black Stars Hang

Nordvargr/Drakh: Cold Void of Nothing

LP2 > Collide: Some Kind of Strange

Collide: Chasing the Ghost

LP2 > Iszoloscope: Aquiferes

Iszoloscope: Les Gorges des Limbes

LP4 > Troum: Tjukurrpa (Part III: Rhythmns and Pulsations)

Nordvargr/Drakh: Infinitas in Aeternum

Toroidh: Europe is Dead

Nordvargr: Awaken

LP4 > Terra Sancta: Aeon

R|A|A|N: The Nacrasti

Wolfskin: Campos de Matanca

Lustmord: Zoetrope

Nordvargr - selected tracks: steril, steril 2

Herbst9 - selected tracks: endless deep, sulfur

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