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Sony Mdm-x4 Mk2

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Good evening. I am new to the forum and need some advice.

I recently purchased a Sony MDM-X4 MK 2. It appears to work fine except that it stops recording after 2-3 minutes, even with a brand new data MD. I can't find any settings or adjustments that address anything beyond the 37 minute capacity.

Any suggestions or insights would be most appreciated. Thanks, Ed

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  • 4 years later...

Good evening. I am new to the forum and need some advice.

I recently purchased a Sony MDM-X4 MK 2. It appears to work fine except that it stops recording after 2-3 minutes, even with a brand new data MD. I can't find any settings or adjustments that address anything beyond the 37 minute capacity.

Any suggestions or insights would be most appreciated. Thanks, Ed

Read your several year old post, however, I'm having the same problem, what did it turn out to be? thanks pooltech@cox.net

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  • 7 months later...

I realise this is an old thread but I had the same problem - Low Battery. I opened the box expecting to see a soldered in CR2032 but was pleased to find one in a holder. Was really easy to get to - just remove the screws from the base that are marked with arrows, take the two screws out of the Midi socket panel at the back and take the slider and jog knobs off then carefully pull it apart and unscrew the short black wire attached to the jacks. Now unplug the two other cables that prevent it opening.

I powered it up before removing the battery to prevent any data loss. The battery pops out with a small screwdriver, slip a new one in and put it back together - power up and error message is gone. Took me less than 30 mins and it all works fine.

I think I may have added this to the wrong thread - my problem was "Low Battery" error message on start up.

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