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SonicStage 3.3 still requires NW-HDx/VAIO Pocket

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I´ve just updated sonicstage to the new version and try it out in my Vaio pocket. I have not experienced any trouble at all. Just wanted to write these lines because i have read that some of you are having problems with the vaio pocket and the new version. I have updated from the 3.2 version, and in case it is useful I´m using spanish as languaje.

Hopes it helps,

Ameli :ol_rolleyes:

Help, help, help!!

Sonicstage 3.3 is saying that I can't use my device, that I have to re-initialize my HD-3

I don't want to re encode my music again!!

Please, help!!!

How can I fix this?

Or How can I get back to 3.2????

Thanks for your help!!!

Ameli, no se que puedo hacer, pero no quiero reinicializarlo, perderia 19 gb de musica, ya que no tengo backup!


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I don´t really know why I didn´t have problems when upgrading the software. In case it is useful for the ones having problems I´m going to point out what i did when I upgrade it:

1. Disconnet the device from the computer

2. Close all the programs running in the computer.

3. Download the program from:


4. Safe it in the computer.

5. Run the installation program

6. Once the program is install I checked if my library had suffered any change

7. Connect the device (in my case the Vaio pocket)

8. Sonicstage recognized the device

Don´t know if this is going to help anyone but hope it does.

In case someone is having problems with the SS3.3 I think I have a copy of version 3.2. So if you want me to send it to anyone send me an e-mail.

Ameli :ol_rolleyes:

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I follwed the instructions, but it didn't work. Sonicstage 3.3 is asking me to re initialize my vaio pocket. I read that people that was going from the 3.2 japanese version to 3.3 didn't have any problems.

1)Should I downgrade to 3.2 japanese version? If so, do I have to uninstall 3.3 first? Where can I find the 3.2 japanese version?

2) Can I connect my vaio pocket to my laptop, copy everything that is in the E removable drive into my laptop, delete the info from my vaio pocket, connect using 3.3 and put all info back from my laptop to the vaio dropping all original files into the E removable drive?

Did somebody try this?

3) Any other solutions? (Should I just uninstall 3.3 and stay with 3.2 forever?, it is going to recognize my vaio pocket again if I downgrade to 3.2)

Please help!!!!!

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Thank you ! I will try this and report back to the forum. Do I have to uninstall the version 3.3 before all this?????

Yes, you should if you want to reinstall from SonicStage 3.2. For your information, my SonicStage installation trail was Japanese up to version 3.2; and the current version 3.3 was a European version then reverted back to Japanese version as of yesterday evening.

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Well, unfortunately it didn't work. Thank you for  your help Ishiyoshi!!

It was not able to recognize my vaio pocket with either version, so unless somebody has a different suggestion I will go with option 2 for now.

Let's hope this works!

Note: Option 2 will not work because you can't backup DRM tunes residing within your VAIO Pocket. (*however, you can transfer the ATRAC tunes within the VAIO Pocket back to the original computer and review this thread for tips on how to remove the DRM.) But you can certainly backup so to speak all other data (example: documents, .zip, media files and etc) within the VAIO Pocket.

I suspect your problem lies with the fact that your VAIO Pocket was first initialized by a version that requires initialization for every upgrade.

Possible solutions:

1) try reinstallation once more; but this time ensures that you completely delete all related SonicStage and OpenMG registry. Please review the Software FAQ for the complete steps.

2) Re-initialize your VAIO Pocket with the Japanese SonicStage and rebuild your VAIO Pocket library.

3) Wait for the new CONNECT Player and hope that the new software will support the VAIO Pocket.

Good luck!

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All my files were created using the same laptop with the not drm option using sonicstage 3.2 . Is that going to make a difference if I try option number 2? Sorry if this was discussed before.

The reason why I mentioned option 2 will not work (even though you had transferred non-DRM ATRAC tunes to the VAIO Pocket) is because the VAIO Pocket itself incorporates some form of DRM restriction that prevents you to transfer the tunes to another PC.

Now since you are facilitating SonicStage from the same laptop, I would recommend that you keep the non-DRM ATRAC tunes from SonicStage’s “My Library” in a safe folder (if you've deleted them from the library, just transfer them back from the VAIO Pocket; but do check its file properties within SonicStage if the transferred tunes is DRM free.) , reinstall SonicStage 3.3 (English version) and re-initialize the VAIO Pocket. Then re-import all your non-DRM ATRAC3plus tunes back to SonicStage 3.3 and transfer them back to the VAIO Pocket accordingly.

I think this would be the best route.

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You are right. I don't have all the songs in my library anymore. I was not able to transfer all the songs back to my library, because half of them are mp3s and SS3.3 was not able to play them back. I t was looking for a license on internet or something like that.

The good news is that I was able to go around and initialiaze without loosing any song.

Here is what I did:

1) I copied the file OMGAUDIO from the vaio pocket to my desktop.

2) I opened SS3.3. I received the message to initialize or delete all songs in my vaio to be able to use SS3.3. Went to Control, Device/Media and pick the option Delete all tracks.

3) SS3.3 was able to recognize my player (vaio pocket) after deleting the files. I closed the SS3.3 program.

4) I replaced the OMGAUDIO file in my vaio pocket with the one I had in my desktop.

5) I opened the SS3.3 again and all the sogs were back under the Atrac Audio Device section.

6) I was able to transfer files from the library to the vaio pocket for testing purposes after that. My player it is now recognized by SS3 and I didn't have to loose any of my songs.

Copying files from the vaio to the dektop and viceversa it may take sometime (more than 10 minutes each way for 15GB in my case). Hope all this makes sense.

Thank you for all your help!!!!!!!!!

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Copying files from the vaio to the dektop and viceversa it may take sometime (more than 10 minutes each way for 15GB in my case). Hope all this makes sense.

Thank you for all your help!!!!!!!!!

This is brilliant! I'm glad you were able to perform option 2 successfully. :ol_smile: This is indeed great news for other VAIO Pocket users that faced similar predicament.

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I found a new problem now.

My vaio pocket does not play any of the atrac files. All of them were ripped from cds to 256 atrac with no drm. The mp3s are just fine, but if I try to play the atrac files it freezes and I had to do a soft restart many times.

I also tried connecting the pocket to SS3.3 and I was able to play the atrac files from the vaio using the sonicstage. I tried deleting those specific files from the pocket and re transfer the songs from the library , but I received a message from SS3.3 saying that it is not possible to transfer my atrac files from the library to the vaio. It only lets me do it when I transfer my mp3s but not with my old atrac with no drm in it.

Is Sony trying to take the control back and take the no drm option from us one more time??

I really don't understand why is so easy to transfer mp3s but not my atrac with no drm!

Do I have to re encode all my cds? .

Please help!!!!!!!!

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