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Hi Md Remotes Are Pricey

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Functions and remotes

Hi, after many many years of having an old still working MZ E33 I decided to buy an MZ -NH600D. I wanted also to buy a remote to the 600d, however I’m sure about remotes that will work with that.

I know the big fuss around the RM-MC40ELK remote, which I’ve seen very pricy at ebay. But there is also RM-MC33EL, whish is not so expensive. I’ve been searching through pages trying to find out how does this remote works with the 600D, I want to know if you can access folders or groups, play stop, etc, very basic functions, but specially the folder/group functions and if they work on 600d.

Also, what’s the difference between the RM-MC33EL and RM-MC35ELK, and which is better to the 600d. Thanks

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