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Elecom Leather Case for NW-HD5 | Review & Pictorial

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So this is my "review" of this wolnderful little case for HD5.

I bought mine directly on ELECOM site in Japan. I wouldn't be able to tell you how to find it some other way. I didn't manage to find it in big stores in Tokyo either. If you come here, you'll maybe have more luck?

AVD-PACL03 for the NW-HD5


It's very "classy", very good quality, and very pretty.


There's a hole on the bottom to plug earphones and also any remote. But no hole for the usb and ac plugs. it was not necessary. Just open the case and plug it then.


The case protection has scratch type attachment. I don't know how long it will last. These type of things usually don't work too long ... we'll see. I guess I would have prefered a pression button type. But well, these scratches are good quality too.


On the left side, there is a VERY useful thing, where you can enrole your phones cable to dicrease its length. VERY CONVINIENT!!!

When opened you can perfectly access your HD5 commands. There's a plastic protection over. Perfect not to abvoid scraches on your screen.


I have to say that it is the best case I had for a device. Beautiful, good quality, very well thought... looks like my HD5 has become a cool new device! Sony official one on sonystyle japan is neat too, but doesn't sem to let you access to the HD5 fonctions. And you can roll the wires either... and it's more expensive too!

I payed tis one about 2730Yens (23 US$/19Euros).

If you want a case for your HD5, I guess you won't have so much choice, but this one seems absolutely perfect to me!


Edited by willykyu
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  drmoze said:
"cheap"  as in it's FAKE leather. The headphone winder attachment is a good idea, but the style doesn't do it for me. Looks pedestrian IMO.

So if it is fake leather so there is a chance to throw & buy a new one.It doesn`t matter if it is leather or fake (As my motto is to use products made of fake leather to protect wildlife ) .

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