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What Do You Use For Mp3 Handling?

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I am just curious if there are people out there that may use a more efficient program for MP3 handling other than SS 3.1 . I was just wondering, because I hate the way that ss organises the tracks, and I am wondering if people may use something else for organising, editing tags, etc.


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For encoding:

* EAC/lame

* Razorlame/lame

* dBPowerAMP convertor/lame

* Foobar2000/lame

* iTunes/FhG

For tagging:

* Foobar2000 [for the most part, now, since it does mass-renames/copying and such so easily]

* MP3BookHelper [open-source; the best dedicated tagging app I've found, hands down; supports multiple formats, though it lacks a few in common use]

* iTunes

* I try to avoid modifying tags with SS as it tends to horrifyingly mutilate them, much like it reads them in the first place

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