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Problem Recording To Md From Pc

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Hi guys, hope this is the right place to put this...

I've recently bought a Sony MZ-G750 (second-hand) but when I connect it to my PC with the digital cord supplied, my computer does not detect it.

Is this because this model cannot record from PCs (which is what I fear the most unsure.gif ) or is there something else I need to be doing?

I have downloaded the latest edition of Sonic Stage, which is working perfectly fine, but when I click the transfer button the only options are for CDs...

Help would be much appreciated as I desperately need to get music onto minidisc!

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the MZ-G750 is similar to my MZ-R700, except yours has a radio tuner

see specs here: http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MZ-G750.html

neither are NetMD capable.

For your computer to 'recognise' your MD it has to be a NetMD unit, connected via a USB cable.


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