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Wanted - Stereo Microphone

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If you want to save yourself some money alot of the mics on ebay use the exact same capsule as those mics. il include a few links to ones that have the same specs.

they should perform the same as the sp-bmc-2s


heres a pair the only difference is that they are 2db less sensitive

although watch out for the battery box from that seller it only uses 2 AA batteries which provides only 3 volts instead of the usual 9 volts which allows electret microphones to realise their full dynamic range.

also sound pros has a set of bmc-2s up on ebay


sorry i could only provide 2 links there usually are more people selling sound professionals workalikes on ebay.

I make microphones as well and would be able to make you a set( pretty inexpensively) but i am still waiting on parts I need to make a few sets for my band.

hope this helps



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