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Hi-MD to computer behaviour problems

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i hope i'm not repeating a question excessively here, but there's an infuriating little thing that is happening when i try to transfer my tunes from Hi-MD (NHF800)to my computer.

When i attempt to transfer tracks that have been recorded on to MD (either with SS2.1 or simple burner 2.0) using my computer (a toshiba satellite with XP pro), an error message appears informing me that they have in fact been recorded on another computer, and the recalcitrant fiend of a program refuses to transfer the tracks.

This occurs with both SS2.1 and 3.2, which i have just downloaded, and its not the same problem as mr sean below....

It would be nice if i could do it, 'cos then i could condense a few of my small, old MD's on to one.

Am i missing something, or is there a way around it? And is there a way to avoid this happening in the future? Is it just that SS and Simple burner dont talk to each other or have different computer id's?

grateful for any clues...


Edited by snottyfish
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