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Latest SonicStage worked once

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After weeks of trying I finally have version of Sonic Sound that will recognize my recorder. I even got to make one disk. But now if won't allow me to make a second one. I was doing my second transfer to a minidisc when I started getting the message that a transfer could not be done because the music file could not be found. This happened about a dozen times before I gave up. Without even leaving the page that I had displayed I just clicked on any of these tracks & they would play OK even if they would not transfer. All of the music has been on my hard drives as MP3's for several years after I had recorded them using iTunes for Windows. All of the music Sonic Stage sees is from these files which it detected.

What gives? How do I get these tracks transfered?

Should I just releate the Sony record of the tracks in library & then tell it to import my files again? If so what is location of this file?

Thanks in advance

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My machine is essential new. It was upgraded in a shop about 2 months ago. It's a 3gb pentium 4 with 1gb ram. It is totally uptodate with patches like SP2 etc & of uses USB2. Also 'SonicStage :

SonicStage Add-on for Personal Audio Upgrade :

OpenMG Secure Module :

MagicGate Memory Stick Device :

NW-E2, NW-E3, NW-E5 and NW-E8P :

OpenMG CD :

M.S. PRO :

CD Walkman :

Hi-MD :

Music Clip, NW-S4, NW-E7 and NW-E10 :


Net MD :

CD-R Writing Module(Audio CD/ATRAC CD/MP3 CD) :

Px Engine:'

This version has downloaded just before the site went down & is the only version that has ever recognized my recorder.

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Since I didn't get an anwer to my main question about getting tracks transfered or even to the question about deleting then recreating the dats base on my hard drive I decided to look at the files on my hard drive. I had previously been given the path to the packages file where details about my tracks are kept.

If I click on packages I get to see a holder called 'localCDinfo'. Also are several files whose type is listed as 'Microsoft Access Aplication' All of these files are exactlty the same size & are sequencially numbered MtData 1.mdb1,2,3,4,5,etc.

What are these files? I suspect that they have something to do about the tracks the program couln't find yet was able to play.

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I'm not sure this will address your problem, but Sonic Stage does two things:

1) It makes a library of music files that it finds on your computer that it can play, including MP3s.

2) It transfers music to your MD player as ATRAC files (unless it's a 2d generation Hi-MD, which can also play mp3s). To transfer them, you have to use Import, under Files, from whichever folder they are in. If you can find them on the computer, Import them and then see if you can transfer them. It's worth a try, anyway.

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I think that I may have stumbled on the reason that I haven't been able to transfer files from my hard drive to my minidisc using Sonic Stage.3.2. I was looking up the files Sonic Stage creates when finding music data file on the hard drive that can be used my the program.

What I found was that I had 2 sets of Sonic Stage files on the drive & my guess is that this might have come about when I tried all of the various versions that everyone was recommending. recreated.

If as I suspect the 2 sets of files is the problem then what might be happening is that the files selected for transfer are being held in one set of files as an optimized file .OMA. The other part of the program that actually does the transfer can't find these optimized files because they aren't in the location expected.

I'm not sure where each file should be as well. Under documents & settings>all users>Sonic Stage>packages>I have the optimized files. While under documents & settings for my name>application data>Sony Corp> Sonic Stage there is yet another set of files but none that are optimized. Then under program files>sony>Sonic Stage are the log files , data files etc.

I suspect that if the optimized files were in the data files location that problem of not finding the files might go away. But my problem now is if this the case which is the correct location for these files? Do things move from a to b or from b to a. Does anyone know? I can't see an uninstall option with the program just in case I try deleting everything before reinstalling everything & getting the library file


Thanks in advance

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Look in SonicStage under Tools/Options/Location to Save Imported Files. That's where it's looking for the files to transfer.

Assuming you have the original files, I suggest importing them again. Using Windows to move stuff around is probably too confusing for SonicStage. And I wouldn't mess with the data and logs--let SonicStage do its mystery manipulations with them.

You can uninstall through Settings/Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs. It's in the list. But that would be a last resort.

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