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RealAudio 8 (ATRAC3) Encoder Test

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Hi friends,

as you probably know, RealAudio 8 is based on ATRAC3. With Helix Producer 9.2 it is possible to create ATRAC3 audio files with bitrates ranging from 66 to 352kbps.

If you want to test it (for whatever reason), you can grab Helix Producer 9.2 here (registration required):


I have already done some testing on the CLI, written a RPAD config-file and trancoded a WAV PCM to ATRAC3 @ 132kbps.


producer -i input.wav -ad test.rpad -dt -o output.rm
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<audience xmlns="http://ns.real.com/tools/audience.2.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://ns.real.com/tools/audience.2.0 http://ns.real.com/tools/audience.2.0.xsd">
		<stream xsi:type="audioStream">
			<pluginName type="string">rn-audiocodec-realaudio</pluginName>
			<codecName type="string">atrc</codecName>
			<codecFlavor type="uint">3</codecFlavor>
			<streamContext type="bag">
				<presentationType type="string">audio-only</presentationType>
				<audioMode type="string">music</audioMode>

codecFlavor 0 = 66kbps (LP4)

codecFlavor 1 = 94kbps

codecFlavor 2 = 105kbps (LP2)

codecFlavor 3 = 132kbps (LP2)

codecFlavor 4 = 146kbps

codecFlavor 5 = 176kbps

codecFlavor 6 = 264kbps

codecFlavor 7 = 352kbps

With this information you do not have to read through the docs anymore. So feel free to use it...

Unfortunately, container format is RM, of course...

FYI RealAudio 10 is already based on HE-AAC.

Edited by DaNnY
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How is the playback of atrac files in realplayer compared to playback in SonicStage 3.2?

You can't play ATRAC3 files created in SonicStage with RealPlayer and you can't play (import) ATRAC3 files created with Helix Producer in SonicStage because of a different container format being used. Sony uses OMG/OMA and Real RM.

No problem extracting raw ATRAC3 data from RM but what about muxing it into OMG/OMA? Is there anything known about this container?

And is there any way for downloading realplayer without a credit card??


Works also with the OpenMG plugin for NetMD devices.

Edited by DaNnY
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