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Reactive Sounds DT-1 Delta Stereo Microphone FOR SALE

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Hey folks,

I just sold all of my HiMD units, but held onto my mic. Now I have decided to sell it for $40.00 + $3.00 shipping. This is $20.00 cheaper than at minidisco.com. The mic is in new condition and has only been used about 8 times to record a class.

If anyone has a question feel free to contact me here or via private message. Thanks.


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I see many folks have looked at this mic, but no one has commented or sent me a reply, so I am reducing the cost of the mic.

The new price is $30.00 and $3.00 shipping. Let me know if you are interested.


The price is $35.00 and shipping is $5.00, but I will throw in 5 80 minute minidiscs.


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I see many folks have looked at this mic, but no one has commented or sent me a reply, so I am reducing the cost of the mic.

The new price is $30.00 and $3.00 shipping. Let me know if you are interested.


The price is $35.00 and shipping is $5.00, but I will throw in 5 80 minute minidiscs.



Seems like many folks want to look at the auction for my mic, but no one has bit, even at 50% off. My last offer is for:

$20.00 + $5.00 shipping.


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