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mzm-100 and 40 ELK

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I am so happy that Sony came out with the MZ-M100 before dropping this format - it is what i have always wanted - I am able to record live uncompressed music with my band onto MD and upload in no time as a wav file onto my Macintosh G4 Powerbook - right into Peak and Cubase, etc... ready for editing. this is great - now I figure I have a few years to work with this machine till the portable flash recorders get worked out (though I don't know how i'll ever write all the names of the songs on that little CF card ;) )

anyway , being Sony, they included the most useless remote of all time with the MZM100, so I purchased a 40 ELK, which is great, but doesn't display remaining time like it did with the MZNH1. Does anyone out there know if there is a way to get this function onto the 40ELK with the MZM100?



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