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Sonicstage file folders irritation

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Dare I say it again, I'm pretty satisfied with SS3.3, but have come across something new that is bugging me.

Anything I transfer to SS is stored in my My Music folder in My Documents, since I'd rather keep everything together. When I look in this folder, any album I have ripped from CD is neatly organised in a folder titled with the album name. The problem is that anything I have imported analogue from Hi-MD is lumped in a 'Hi-MD' folder. Obviously I have grouped relevant albums etc together in SS itself, but is there some way to re-arrange how the files are stored on the computer? I basically want it to be easy to keep track of what's there and make sure I can easily delete any album I no longer want. An alphabetical listing of everything I've ever imported doesn't make this easy.

I see that if I go to the properties of one of these imported tracks in SS, it lists the location at which it is stored i.e. My Music/Hi-MD/TRACKNAME.oma, but if I want to move this I have to pick from an already existing folder. Plus it's a bit awkward to do this for every track.

Any tips? I figure someone is going to say if I tick the 'delete from my computer' box when deleting in SS I can make sure it's gone, but I want everything to be neat...

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