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"READ ERROR" on Sony MZ-RH10

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After Google-ing for solutions to this problem I found this forum and registered.

I purchased my RH10 via eBay from Japan (sunnyjp or something the seller's name was) 6 months ago, and now its suddenly giving me "read errors" on all my Hi-MDs and MDs. The unit hasn't undergone any serious shock or damage and has otherwise been well taken care of. The unit is still under warrenty, however I believe it only applies in Japan or the USA (I'm in Europe).

Does anyone know a solid solution to getting rid of these errors? I live 5 minutes away from a Sony Centre, do you think they would be of any [affordable] help? Would a "lens cleaner" minidisc help (I often keep the unit in my pocket so there's a chance the laser's probably dirty)?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

All the best, Adam.

PS. Sony used to design and build such high-quality and well-built products (my camera has lasted me some 5 years and is still going strong), but even my 2 week old EX81 earphones' wiring is becoming visible. Not a good sign. The MZ-RH10 Hi-MD player does record and playback in amazingly high quality, but is otherwise a slow, fragile peice of ****. Sony really have to get their act together.

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