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JE330 backlight / LED display issues?

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congratulations on being the only surviving Minidisc forum I could find... hoping one of the members here can help. Also hoping this is in the right section, it's sort of hacking.

I just sent out my old JE330 through DHL, ebay'd it to upgrade. Unit was fully functional upon leaving, but it seems to have arrived with the LED display busted. I never opened the unit up myself, could this be a simple loose wire? Or is it an indicator of something more sinister?

Apparently, the system still plays & records fine, it's just not outputting anything to the display. A photo, or diagram of the internals would be a great help... I've had the buyer enter diagnostic mode, but of course it's all done through the display, so it wasn't much help!

Many thanks, Ben. (Can't check for replies until Friday though... :mellow: )

Edited by boinkle
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