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Erasing Errored Disks with 600D

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I've been digging through the forums in relation to Read Errors I've received on two discs thus far. I can recollect the data on the discs, so recovery isn't a big deal. I simply want to format them.

One thread I've found is this one.

I upgraded to SS3.4 yesterday, but can't format the disc because SS doesn't see a disc present. Simple Burner doesn't see a disk present for formatting either.

That said, does anyone know if I could safely use the Service Mode steps to initialize the disks outlined above on a 600D? I've gotten in to service mode, but don't know what to do.



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I've been digging through the forums in relation to Read Errors I've received on two discs thus far. I can recollect the data on the discs, so recovery isn't a big deal. I simply want to format them.

Enter the menu,

go to EDIT

go to ERASE

select ERASE ALL

or [i believe advanced menu mode has to be turned on for this]

Enter the menu,

go to FORMAT

the rest should be self-evident.

There should be no need whatsoever to enter service mode just to erase a disc.

You say that SS doesn't recognise that there's a disc in the unit, though? Does it do this with all discs, or just the one? Does it recognise that your 600D is plugged in but not that there's a disc in it, or does it not see the unit at all?


for the 2nd one up there,

Enter the menu

go to EDIT

select FORMAT

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Enter the menu,

go to EDIT

go to ERASE

select ERASE ALL

or [i believe advanced menu mode has to be turned on for this]

Enter the menu,

go to FORMAT

the rest should be self-evident.

Thanks dex. That should do it. I'll give her a whirl this evening.

There should be no need whatsoever to enter service mode just to erase a disc.

You say that SS doesn't recognise that there's a disc in the unit, though? Does it do this with all discs, or just the one? Does it recognise that your 600D is plugged in but not that there's a disc in it, or does it not see the unit at all?


for the 2nd one up there,

Enter the menu

go to EDIT

select FORMAT

It's just a disc or two that it doesn't recognize; the unit seems fine, at least for now.


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Enter the menu,

go to EDIT

go to ERASE

select ERASE ALL

I wonder if this is the case with a straight, non-downloader-only MD unit? Mine is a 600D, and my menu options, with Advanced turned on, are as follows:






I've dug through each of these, but I don't find anything related to formatting. Am I missing something?

Thanks again,


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Is there an option under "options" for MENU MODE, to switch it to ADVANCED?

Yep, and it's on. The only quick difference is that the useful menu option is lost with simple. It contains the following:


which doesn't work with disks reporting a read error.

And, as a side note, I have three of ten original MD disks erroring out now.

Thanks for the help dex.


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As I have not encountered any of the downloader-only models myself, I made the assumption that the 600D would have the same menu functions as the rest of the line. My apologies.

If SS won't initialise the disc, perhaps your only fix for this is to use a recorder [non-"D"] model to reformat the discs. That is assuming that you have a Sony shop nearby, or know someone else with a recorder [erasing the discs with a netMD or earlier model should work just the same, btw].

What were you doing with the discs when they went belly-up?

As I've suggested to other users recently [having rarely run into the same problem myself], sometimes if a disc reports an error immediately after downloading to it, removing all sources of power from the unit, then plugging back in [basically cold-booting the unit] has "saved" it for me in the past. If that doesn't work, you might also try the same but having removed the disc in the process. Last time I ran into this [roughly a week ago] I did both and the disc read fine afterwards.

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Thanks for the tips. I've tried the power reset - NADA.

I'm going to try formatting in a original MD recorder someone I know has. UPDATE: tried the formatting in a Sony ATRAC/ATRAC3 recorder in a radio station. The MD recorder read the disc, saw two tracks, but both were protected. It would neither erase a track individually, nor all. It looked as if track 1 was about 4 seconds, track 2 323 minutes.

As for why/how these have failed, I don't know. The only one I have labeled as having musice did go on a trip last fall, but I seriously doubt anything happened with my carryon to cause a problem. All discs have lived in the 5 pack case they came in.

Looks like they may be in for the scrap heap.




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