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Tip - Making DVD mp3 backup of music (No SS needed)

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Here's a tip for anybody using MP3 files on their MD's and a convenient way of storing them OFF the computer (but still playable).

Ussing NERO you can make a DVD of your MP3 files. This will be playable on DVD machines as well that support mp3 playback (most do now I think).

If you have Panasonic type DVD player / recorders that can also read DVD-RAM you can use the double sided discs (that's 9.4GB 4.7GB each side on double sided discs).

These files are Drag 'n Drop to most music players and can be imported quickly into SS if you need to.

You don't need to use the SLOW SS Library backup for this purpose.

Use This function of NERO




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I have all my MP3s on DVD as my PC HDD is only 40 gigs. I have all the music imported to SS and mostly this works without a hitch, I just have to make sure I have the correct disc in the drive before I try to transfer.

Most DVD players will not play MP3s from a DVD, only from CDs. While the file format is the same most manufacturers have missed this ability.

I would never use the SS backup tool and with DRMless ATRAC there is absolutely no need to.

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I have all my MP3s on DVD as my PC HDD is only 40 gigs. I have all the music imported to SS and mostly this works without a hitch, I just have to make sure I have the correct disc in the drive before I try to transfer.

Most DVD players will not play MP3s from a DVD, only from CDs. While the file format is the same most manufacturers have missed this ability.

I would never use the SS backup tool and with DRMless ATRAC there is absolutely no need to.

I think you'll find some of the newer dvd players will play DVD MP3's. Certainly some of the newer portables.

I agree with you about DRM'less atrac. However I'd still advise to BACKUP your computer including the music regularly WHATEVER PROGRAM you use.

Always test your backup program especially if you haven't used it before. You won't be very happy if your Backup appears to run fine but fails when you try and restore.

The only reason for using SS backup is you can just run it and leave it. Some other backup programs need you to select files etc.

BTW DRM Less ATRAC only applies to NON PURCHASED downloadable music. Online music stores are one of my Nr 1 ALL time pet HATES.

DRM'ed compressed music at a highy price than a CD.

The site in Russia - allofmp3 or some name like that is of "questionable legal status" so I'm not recommending using that one even though it appears to offer higher quality formats than those other miserable excuses (Itunes etc) which have the gall to call themseleves "Stores".



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