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WTB : blank minidiscs~ (NetMD)

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Hi and thanks for looking~

I just bought new MD from a member of this forum and since i only use Hi-MD, i need to get some NetMDs.

I do prefer unwrapped ones over used ones of course :D

Please tell me how many you have, and the min of each disc and the total price, please tell me the shipping separately.

thanks for looking~

Edited by Exiled
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You mean you want to buy regular 74/80 minute minidiscs? These are pretty widely available online and in many shops. Surely if you ONLY use HiMD then you'd be better with the higher capacity 1gb discs?

Your post has me confused, sorry.

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Are you looking for designer/collectible or non-designer standard (74/80 min) minidiscs, if not 1GB discs? Non-designer will run much cheaper than designer/collectible (which I think is mainly what levanel is selling). There are online stores selling the non-designer discs for less than $1 each. Most designer/collectibles run about double that.

I'm thinking that you're looking for 1GB discs and just mis-typed, but just know that you can format the standard discs with your Hi-MD unit.

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