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Archiving Live Recordings

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Hello all.

This is a Hi-MD and Live Recording related topic, so I figured it would be best in this forum.

Anyway, I have tons of live recordings on my computer that were originally recorded in Hi-SP. I transferred them to the computer "as is" and then saved them as WAVs before editing them in Adobe Audition. I would like to archive these recordings. First of all, I will be burning them as files onto a DVD-R and storing those away from dust, etc. I will also be burning them to CD just in case someone should happen to want a copy (in which case I can just burn a CD copy from the original CD).

Lastly, and this is the part I'm unsure of, I would like to burn the EDITED version back to the original MDs. I know that most people will say that this is not a good idea as it's always good to have an original untouched master copy somewhere, but I'm not so concerned ... So, if I use Simple Burner to burn back to the original MD in Hi-SP mode from the CD copy (semi-complicated, sorry) am I going to experience any quality loss? I would assume no, since the original was recorded in Hi-SP, and I not believe any editing in Audition would have done anything to the original, whether it was saved as a WAV or what. Am I correct in assuming this?

Thanks! :-)

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Atrac is a lossy format, so you will get some some quality loss each time you go through decoding/coding. And you're edited version is no longer like the original, and the Atrac encoding will alter it.

And right now, I'm actually archiving an unaltered version of a live recording before doing any processing with it.

You might be interested in reading these :


Edited by Roamer
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