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Loosing files when transfering...

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I'm kind of desperate, I tried to save a file I had on my Hi-MD to the PC in .wav format, I clicked on "Transfer" and now the file is gone from the Hi-MD and I cannot find it on My Library or into the folder it supposed to be!!

I really need that file! It's a really important interview I made! I don't have any copy of it!

Do you know where can it be?

I'm using the Sonic Stage 4.0

Thank you

Edited by Supernova
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I just realise that when I already transfer the file to "My Library" it's automatically deleted from the Hi-MD (I don't know why). Does anybody know if there's anyway to recover that file?

I cannot check on "My Library" because I already deleted the .oma file a few days ago (without knowing what I was doing). So I don't really know what else to try. I tried different tools to see if the .oma file is somewhere on the hard disk, but is not...


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I think you already know then that there is not much of a chance getting the file back...

(If I understand correctly, the file is still in your library, so you didn't delete it from there but you deleted the file on disk with explorer or something?)

Sorry to hear you had to find out the hard way, but you'll probably never make the same mistake again :)

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yeap, never ever...

Actually is not in "My Library" because I "saved" it to my desktop as .oma and then I deleted it thinking it was on My Library anyway or at least in th MD.

If you find out there's any way to recover that audiop, I'll apreciatte it!


Ps. I just realise that I was using the SS 2.1 and I upgraded to SS 4.0 so when I try to trasnfer the files, they deleted automatically, I if any one know why and how to get them back, that will be good news

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I tried to look for the .oma file, but I couldn't find it yet, and most of the recovery tools doesn't look for that format, anyway I will try with this one you said.

I have the bad habit of deleting with SHIFT+DEL, so I don't know if there's any posibility to get, I hope so.

Thank you for the hyperlink!

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