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cluttered hard drive

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I was wondering why my hard drive seemed to run out of drive space. And sure enough, the culprit seems to be Sonicstage 3.4 which has gone into a habit of cluttering my drive with a handsome collection of music I hadn't had a look at for ages.

Basically, I thought I got round that problem by deleting files from my library and deleting temporary files from within Sonicstage. Alas, now I found The Damned Packages Folder, with loads and loads of GB I thought deleted.

Can I swiftly delete all content in Packages or is there even an official way to get rid of these files? Or has Sony striken back by giving us v3.4 but evening it out by producing so much waste on the drive that it will eventually crumble and Sony has won?

Thanks a lot,


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Hi raintheory,

thanks for helping. I'm afraid I can only find three options there, "Rename files" (obviously wrong) and an optimize and a delete button. I have tried both in the past and they do do something, but they don't seem to have an effect on files I have already deleted from my library. I'd have to open every file thus opening it with Sonicstage and then click on delete and check "Delete file from computer as well". But that seems quite a bit of work...

Do you know if Sonicstage gets hickups if I simply delete those files in my explorer window and let Sonicstage figure out what happened to them and delete the entries from wherever it might have stored meta data about my files?


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I have had no problems deleting the files from explorer. SonicStage will still show the files in My Library but may tell you that it can't find the file if you try to play it. You can safely remove the entries from My Library simply by deleting them as usual.

Use caution when check-marking "Delete file from Computer" as this may delete the original source file instead of just the optimized one.

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