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MZ-RH 1 and Mac compatability

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Before I start hunting for one of these units, I really need to know how they perform with Macs. I had given up on MD all together after my last one died, and it seemed that the format was about to be shelved entirely. I was going to buy an ipod, I do need Mac compatability. But the new MD has caused me to hesitate. Unfortunately none of the staff in my local Sony shop knew very much about how far Sony and Mac have gone towards talking to one another. Ideally, I would like to be able to get about 20 albums onto a single disc, for holiday use, apart from some higher quality recordings for other times. Is this going to be possible? And easy...I'm no techie! On my previous HiMD I was able to get about 4-7 albums onto a single disc, recorded directly from my CD player in real time. If I can't do better than this, at reasonable quality ( I found LP unacceptable), then I'm afraid it's back to plan B, the ipod.

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The full extent of the Mac compatibility is not know fore sure yet, because the official, full-featured Mac software has not come out yet. With the current software, it is possible to upload any recorded track (mean: recorded with the RH-1) into a .WAV file. Download is not possible yet, but is supposed to be supported when the new Mac software comes out. On the other hand, recording in Hi-LP is acceptable for outdoor use using headphones. It is always a matter of taste, but frankly the Hi-LP quality is not bad. Therefore recording in realtime is still an option.

The advice would then be to wait for the new Mac software to show its features and then decide if they meet your expectations.

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