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SS 3.4 or 4.0

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Hi. Been away and come back to see SonicStage has been much updated since the version 3.1 I have.

Should I change to 3.4 or 4.0 - read contradictory comments on threads.

I have a RH910 and use almost only for converting live recordings of own concerts on to CD.

Also do I need to be careful about saving stuff already in library - please can someone refer to a thread/help on that.


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I haven't had any issues with SS 4.0 using my RH910. I think each version of SS is becoming (slightly) more stable and things are working a bit better. I've had some random hangs/crashes in 3.4 and I haven't in 4.0 (so far, give me some more time).

I would back up my library and just go for the upgrade. There is very little NEW from 3.4 for HiMD owners, but seemingly improved stability and possibly better encoding would probably make it worth it.

SS 3.2 introduced some VERY nice abilities for uploading recordings and made it possible to upload personal recordings unlimited times. You definitely should go to at least 3.4, but if you're going to update anyway, you may as well go to 4.0.

Basically, from my experiences (and I haven't read anything contradictory), there's nothing really WRONG with SS 4.0 except it didn't do much for HiMD owners. But since you're at 3.1 you really should update.

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Don't you need SS 3.2 for most of the suggestions in that thread?

I was just meaning to use the SonicStage Backup Tool (I think it's in the same Start menu group as SonicStage) before going for the upgrade, so if worst came to worst you could reinstall SS 3.1 and restore your library...

Theoretically, though, everything should be fine doing the upgrade...

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