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Connect with SonicStage

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I have been using, and will continue to use, Hi-MD (MZ-NH1) via SonicStage. But (happy birthday to me!) I've just been given the A1000. Lovely little machine.

I've been reading these forums for a long time, watching with interest the developments with Connect Player. I haven't tried it yet, since it won't recognise Hi-MD recorders yet.

Now, I have used the A1000 with SonicStage and it works, but, annoyingly, there's a problem with compilation albums which annoys me. I don't much care for Artistlink and the like, so I'm not bothered that that won't work, but I do own several compilation albums (eg., Global Underground mixes etc.) which Connect fails to group properly.

I'll give an example. Nick Warren's GU: Shanghai is listed in SonicStage as a compilation, with each track having the original artist beside it, but the Album Artist is Nick Warren. When Hi-MD is connected, the album is grouped with other Nick Warrens as the artist. Good. When the A1000 is connected after transfer, the best it can manage is to list each individual track artist, each one having an album called GU: Shanghai. Bad.

I guess I'll have to install Connect. Is it OK to do this with SS installed, and to use both on the same machine (obviously not at the same time)? If I convert my existing library in order to import to Connect, will it disappear from SS or will it be copied?

Many thanks in advance,


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